The definitive record of live music in Washington, D.C. and beyond for the 2010’s

LIVE MUSIC: Wildlife @ The Red Palace - 1/19/12
LIVE, Tracking Kevin Hill LIVE, Tracking Kevin Hill

LIVE MUSIC: Wildlife @ The Red Palace - 1/19/12

There is so much that can go wrong when you insert any musical genre before the word “punk”. Pop-Punk? Art-Punk? Post-Proto-Pseudo-Punk? All serve to diminish the actual punk of the thing, but one supposes that they are necessary in a time when the lines between genres become more and more blurred. Even worse, most bands, once saddled with the burden of this blood red generalization to wear prominently on their sleeves, most bands give in to all of the tropes and traditions that they’re new made-just-for-them genre would suggest, and never manage to rise above the branding.

Luckily, Wildlife is not one of those bands.

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