The definitive record of live music in Washington, D.C. and beyond for the 2010’s

Roaring through the night: The Besnard Lakes @ The Black Cat - 5/12/11
LIVE Kevin Hill LIVE Kevin Hill

Roaring through the night: The Besnard Lakes @ The Black Cat - 5/12/11

It took till nearly the end of the set, but the journey to the cathartic “Like The Ocean, Like The Innocent Pt.1 & Pt.2”, the opening track of the Besnard Lakes 2010 release, The Besnard Lakes Are The Roaring Night, was well worth the wait. Downgraded to the back room of the Black Cat due to poor ticket sales (shame on you DC), the quartet from up north (Montreal to be exact) took it all in stride delivered a scorching set that was as epic as it was sublime...

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