The definitive record of live music in Washington, D.C. and beyond for the 2010’s

LIVE MUSIC: Other Lives @ The Red Palace - 2/21/12
LIVE, Tracking Kevin Hill LIVE, Tracking Kevin Hill

LIVE MUSIC: Other Lives @ The Red Palace - 2/21/12

I first saw Other Lives back in 2009 opening for Bat for Lashes at the 9:30 Club. It was a chance encounter that not only would shape our little groups philosophy toward concert going (ALWAYS get there for the opener...ALWAYS) but in a large part was the beginnings of the idea to create this site. What I witnessed then was a band that demonstrated a maturity and a commitment to their craft that, as someone who has played music to varying levels of achievement for over 30 years now, hit on an almost spiritual level. For a while I just couldn’t stop talking about it the band and that show to whoever would listen, which became increasingly frustrating when, for whatever reason, they didn’t immediately blossom into the biggest band in the world. The “southwestern Radiohead” instead slipped quietly from the public eye to become a not-so-well-kept secret of music nerds far and wide.

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