“Agreeing For Two” - Rozi Plain Had Us At Alabaster Deplume

Sometimes the algorithm is Good, because it decides to tell you about a record you might have otherwise missed. And just a couple of days ago, it brought to my attention this lovely record from Rozi Plain, presumably because Mr. Deplume shows up on the opening track,” Agreeing For Two”.

If you know us (and you do, right?), you know we love ourselves some Alabaster Deplume. And a big part of what we love about his work is the wise and pastoral serenity that washes over us when we are Depluming with one of his International Anthem releases. And it turns out Rozi Plain has a bit of serenity up her sleeve too: her songs jump back and forth between unanswerable questions and unsolicited wisdom, all offered at a confident and languid pace over a trickle of warm synths. Grab a pair of headphones and take this one for a sunset walk, will ya?


“Everything (But One Thing)” - Izaak Opatz