(Sandy) Alex G @ Black Cat - 11/15/2018
(Sandy) Alex G at Black Cat (Photo by Anna Moneymaker / @anna.money)
Philadelphia’s (Sandy) Alex G embodies the DIY ethos through and through. Though his latest album Rocket is a more collaborative album than his previous output (having recorded the album with touring violinist Molly Germer), one thing has remained the same for Alexander Giannascoli since his teenage recording days to now: he still produces tracks at home. And one quick look at his Bandcamp page will tell you that he’s gotten some good mileage out of his home. He’s very likely inspired future artists the same way he was inspired by others as a teenager. (Sandy) Alex G made a stop at the Black Cat in Washington D.C. with synth-pop artist Half Waif (aka Nandi Rose Plunkett) and played a handful of songs spanning his prolific discography, including 2017’s Rocket.
Seeing (Sandy) Alex G and his band play live is like watching a group of friends practice with great precision in a bedroom. In front of an audience, the band plays without reserve or a sense of awareness that a crowd of people is watching. The set never loses momentum, there is very little banter in between songs and it is almost like they play without a setlist, even though there is one. The concert is intimate and there is something about the performance and the connection the musicians have together onstage. Alex Giannascoli may be the brains behind the project, but his live sound would be nothing without the musicians he has brought along on tour to play with.
Rocket is out now through Domino Records.