Episode 10: TENTRIC
In which the gang reveals our Top 10 Of 2012 so far (read it here!), Kevin has another album made just for him, and everyone weighs in/piles on Fiona Apple's latest release.
ChunkyGlasses THE PODCAST - Episode 5: Taking Off The Sock
In which the team seeks answers to universal mysteries like catfights at a Magnetic Fields show, Star Wars disco, and Kevin offers up tips on how to prevent a bear attack PLUS new music from M. Ward, Alabama Shakes, Eidolons, Chromatics and Colorado's Lumineers.
So grab a seat, grab a beer and strap in, because this might get ugly.
ChunkyGlasses THE PODCAST - Episode 4: That's What She Said
In which we discuss Bruce vs. Bruuuuuuce, face melting RAWK shows, perms, intentionally ripped jeans PLUS new music from The Wedding Present, Lee Ranaldo, The Shins, Daniel Rossen, Tanlines and Margot and the Nuclear So and So's.
So grab a seat, grab a beer and strap in because honestly, what could be better than listening to a bunch of morons sit around and talk about music for an hour or so?
ChunkyGlasses THE PODCAST: Episode 3 - Squirrel Cape
In which a lady joins the crew, Andre dons a cape, and we talk about new releases from Andrew Bird, Yellow Ostrich, Whirr, Pond and THE BOSS.
So grab a seat, grab a beer and strap in because honestly, what could be better than listening to a bunch of morons sit around and talk about music for an hour or so?
ChunkyGlasses: THE PODCAST - Episode 2
In this installment of ChunkyGlasses we boldly go where no podcaster has gone before...or at least no intelligent podcaster...and take Harris along for the ride for good measure. Listen in as we discuss new releases from Damien Jurado, The Wooden Sky and more (See the complete list, with ratings and links below). So grab a seat, grab a beer and strap in because, well, what else have you got to do?