Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 150: The Cactus Blossoms - You're Dreaming

Soundcloud strikes a deal with Universal, adding gas to the streaming wars.

The spirit of the Louvin/Everly Brothers courses through the veins of The Cactus Blossoms debut album, You’re Dreaming.

“Handle With Care” is a righteous song, and a George Fest super-jam proves Wilbury dominance once and for all.

And oh yea…we’re FIVE YEARS OLD. Anyone know what that is in cat years?

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 149: Tortoise - The Catastrophist

Revered jazz/prog/post-rock purveyors Tortoise are back with their new album, The Catastrophist.

All Songs Considered turns 16 with a jam packed musical blowout at the 9:30 Club right here in Washington, DC.

Chicago's Crown Larks take the legacy of Tortoise straight to the future. 

Oh...and Glenn Frey of The Eagles is gone.

Welcome back to the basement. We missed you. 

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 147: Best of 2015 - Part 2

2015 was a huge year for music, so obviously we had to make a huge podcast to wrap the whole thing up. In part two of our year-end blowout, Quinn, Paul, and Kevin share the music that gave them the most feels in 2015, then offer up some thoughts on the year to come, pull back the curtain a little on how to make a podcast, and do a dramatic reading of The Force Awakens for your pleasure.*

We’ve reached the end, but it’s only the beginning, so sit back, relax, and get your ears ready because here comes our final podcast of the year. It’s Episode 147 of ChunkGlasses: THE PODCAST – BEST OF 2015 EDITION - PART 2!

*That may not be treu

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 146: Best Of 2015 - Part 1

This is it! As the year draws to a close, the gang hangs out one last time to talk all of the good, bad, and ugly of 2015.  Does your favorite album make the cut, and does that even matter? Can we all just agree Kendrick cuz dammmmnnn?

All of these questions and more will be answered as we geek out on all of the music that made 2015 one of the best years for music in recent memory. So sit back, relax, and get your ears ready because here comes Episode 146 of ChunkGlasses: THE PODCAST – BEST OF 2015 EDITION PART 1!

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 145: Best of DC 2015

The end is nigh! The end of the year that is. This week on the podcast we’re kicking off our year-end closeout with a mega-sized wrap up of all that 2015 was here in our hometown of Washington, DC.

Joined by Paul Vodra (Hometown Sounds), Bryce Taylor Rudow (Random Nerds) and Quinn Meyers (WRGW radio/ATB), Kevin and the gang take a look at some of the bands that moved them the most in 2015, flashback to 2014 to see how far we’ve come, and look forward to the future of what is fast becoming one of the most vibrant, diverse, and essential music scenes in the country.

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 144: Grimes - Art Angels / Jeff Lynne's ELO - Alone In The Universe

This week on the podcast we’re talking new albums from a hot up-and-comer and the return of a pop legend. First up, Grimes’ Art Angels is an unexpected pop explosion that stretches the limits of what we call indie. Is the young producer’s latest effort a missive from the future or one large step towards the mainstream? Then, pop mastermind Jeff Lynne has revived the legendary ELO with a new album Alone In The Universe.  Does this deeply personal, reflective cycle of songs live up to the name or is Mr. Blue Sky gone forever.

PLUS! Rdio is filing for bankruptcy and Pandora is stripping the company down for parts and we try to get to the bottom of what this may mean for artists and consumers alike. Does this mark the beginning of the streaming wars or is it the start of the slide down to a musical singularity where one stream will rule them all. Also…WTF Adele?  3.85 MILLION?

All this plus a new track from DC/Boston’s Kingsley Flood just in time for their show at U Street Music Hall right here in Washington, DC as we close out business as usual in 2015 in style on Episode 144 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast!  

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Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 143: Made Of Oak (Nick Sanborn)

This week on the podcast we’re checking in with multi-instrumentalist / producer Nick Sanborn. Hot on the heels of Sylvan Esso’s massive tour supporting their spectacular self-titled debut, Sanborn  is back with the EP Penumbra, his latest project under the name Made Of Oak. An atmospheric collection of rhythmic adventures that draw as much inspiration from the natural world as they do from the machines with which they were made, Penumbra soundtracks the smaller, quieter moments in life, then sends them crashing into the club. We talk to the Nick about the genesis of Penumbra, the magic of mystery in music, Kendrick Lamar and more in an inspiring and enlightening hour with one of music’s brightest and most forward thinking artists.  

PLUS! Phil Moore of Bowerbirds is back with his new project TUSHKA. A deft mix of electronic music, and R&B that straight up jams, “The Program”, is the first single off of his upcoming album is here, and ready to move you.

Your holiday week begins NOW on Episode 143 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast!

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Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 142: Positive No

This week on the podcast we’re sitting down with Tracy Wilson and Kenneth Close of Richmond, VA’s POSITIVE NO! Each longtime veterans of the indie music scene in their own rights, the couple joined forces in 2011 in the wake of a tragedy – Wilson was hit by a car crossing the street – and began work on the songs that would eventually become the 2013 EP Via Florum.

Now they’re back with their debut full length entitled Glossa¸ years of experience, and a WHOLE lot to talk about.  Tune in for a personal, insightful, and often hilarious conversation with two rock and roll survivors for whom the torch will never go out – it’s Episode 142 of ChunkyGlasses: The podcast with POSITIVE NO! 

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 141: Deafheaven - New Bermuda / Beach Slang - The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us

This week on the podcast we’re talking new albums from San Francisco’s acclaimed Deafheaven and the debut album from Philadelphia pop punks Beach Slang. Is there enough room on our lawn for these two exceptionally hyped bands, or will we retreat back into our curmudgeonly corner where it’s safe, warm, and most of all, quiet.

Plus! Ben Carson wants your vote and thinks a “rap” will get it! We go political (we ARE in DC after all) and predict what future hits we can expect from the rest of the candidates in this upcoming election year.  All of this plus a completely rad new track from North Carolina’s The Sweets? LIVE from the basement it’s Episode 141 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 140: Joanna Newsom - Divers / Protomartyr - The Agent Intellect

This week on the podcast we’re talking Prinstagram, harps, and darkness from the Motor City. First up, Prince takes to teh internets yet again, launching is very own feed on Instagram. Is it the treasure trove of insight into his purple paradise or just a honey-pot to lure us all in before striking us all down D.M.C.A. style?

Next up: Joanna Newsom is back and garnering widespread acclaim with Divers, her most accessible album yet – but can it convert two self-avowed Newsom cynics? Then: The darkness runs deep with Protomartyr on their latest LP, The Agent Intellect, and so do our feels – but does it satisfy Paul’s need for maximum rock and roll? All of this plus a lush new track from DC folksters Luray as we dive face first back into the album talk on Episode 140 of ChunkyGlasses: THE PODCAST!  

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Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 139: Jonny Grave

This week on the podcast we’re sitting down with DC’s Jonny Grave in advance of his Third Annual Halloween Circus at taking place at the Black Cat in Washington, DC this weekend. Part bluesman, part historian, and all heart, Jonny shares his love of music, DC, history and much, much more. First though, fresh off two days at this year’s Future Of Music Coalition Policy Summit, Kevin shares some brief thoughts on the conference, the organization, and what it all means to you, (especially if you’re a musician). And finally, following a hot tip from Random Nerds’ Bryce Taylor Rudow (@brycetrudow), we’re playing a track from Columbia, MD rapper K.A.A.N.’s most excellent mixtape, Abstract Art.

Grab a beverage and loosen yer ears, because you’re about to get rocked by Episode 139 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast featuring Jonny Grave!

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Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 138: Futurebirds Actual

This week on the podcast we’re getting meta as we invite Futurebirds down to the basement to talk about Futurebirds, a little bit about us, and much, much more. Out on tour now in support of their most excellent new album Hotel Parties (you can hear our take on it here), these road warriors have seen it all and dish some honest takes on life on the road, making it in the modern music industry and the often strange relationship between critics and musicians.

Plus Typefighter may be dead, but Ryan McLaughlin soldiers on with his new band Polyon! Their upcoming EP Blue – out 11/13 – is a loud, feedback drenched reminder that McLaughlin is one of the best musicians DC has to offer, and we’ve got the first single “Reserve” for you to make the rock with right here, and right now.

Get comfortable, check your facts, and settle in for yet another delicious hour in the basement, here comes Episode 138 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast! 

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 137: RIP Pitchfork?

Earlier this week the monolithic music website Pitchfork announced that they had been acquired by monolithic mega-publisher Condé Nast, throwing teh internets into a frenzy. Is this the end of music journalism? The death knell of the modern "tastemaker?" An opportunity for a new golden age of criticism to begin? We invited Marcus Dowling and Random Nerds Editor-In-Chief, Bryce Taylor Rudow to the basement to get to the bottom of it all in this BONUS EPISODE of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast.

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Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 136: Casey Rae, CEO of Future Of Music Coalition

This week on the podcast we’re going full wonk as Kevin and Marcus Dowling sit down with Future Of Music Coalition CEO Casey Rae to try and save the music industry! With their 15th Annual Policy Summit just around the corner (October 26-27th) it was about time that Casey dropped by the basement to fill us in on the important work done by his organization, talk the literal future of music, and much, much more.

Plus! You’ve seen PJ Sykes covering Hopscotch Music Festival in our pages, now hear a brand new single from his band Hoax Hunter’s upcoming EP, Clickbait.

Put on your thinking cap, and get ready to learn everything you need to know about how to save the music industry in 90 minutes or less on Episode 136 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast!

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 135: Futurebirds - Hotel Parties / Phil Cook - Southland Mission

This week on the podcast: How easy is it to trick a music blogger? Apparently hilariously so if you’re using Wayne Coyne as bait! The gang discusses a hilarious prank that was recently pulled on the blogosphere, and its implication for the sad state of modern music journalism as a whole.

Then we’re heading over to the jammy side of town, as we dig deep into two of this year’s best releases. First up, Athens, GA’s Futurebirds  are back with their unique brand of cosmic twang on their new album Hotel Parties (22 min mark). Then, Megafaun’s Phil Cook has made a career out of playing with some of the biggest names in indie rock, but with the hugely soulful Southland Mission, he may have crafted the album he’s waited his whole life to make (51 min mark).

Last but not least, Meow The Jewels is here and it’s exactly what we expected and more. So that happened.

Get comfortable and hide the cats, because here comes a super-sized shot of the “23rd most influential” podcast in the land, it’s Episode 135 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast!

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Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 134: BRNDA

Washington, DC based BRNDA's infectious "snack-punk" can be hard to classify… and even harder to get out of your head. Hot off the release of their sophomore release, Year Of The Manatee, Dave Lesser (guitar), Leah Gage (drums) and Jhn Whytefoot (bass) pay a visit to the basement to talk about the history of the band, where their uniquely fearless music fits into the current DC scene, how to make it as a modern artist in a modern world, and much, much more.

PLUS! Kevin shares some thoughts on this past weekend's inaugural Landmark Music Festival, and Dirty Ghosts are back with Let It Pretend, the follow up to 2012’s Metal Moon and we’ve got “Cataract”, the album’s first single for you to shove in your ears and verily be rocked.

Get ready for a serious, and seriously fun, conversation with one of the most exciting bands going in DC today on Episode 134 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast!

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 133: Dave Rawlings Machine - Nashville Obsolete / Ryan Adams - 1989

This week we call an audible and call em like we see em. First up more TIDAL talk as we figure how to save the music industry for the 178th time. Then it’s the triumphant return of the Dave Rawlings Machine and an obvious deep dive into a lake of feels as we take on Ryan Adams take on Taylor Swift’s 1989. PLUS! Megafaun-er Phil Cook’s latest Southland Missions is a joyful explosion of soul and we’ve got a track for you to hear that proves it.

Tight deadlines. Shifting tastes. These things matter not to podcast jedi. Strap in. Turn it up. Here comes Episode 133 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast.

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Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 132: The Return of Miss Shevaughn & Yuma Wray!

This week on the podcast, our friends Miss Shevaughn & Yuma Wray are back on the best coast which can mean only one thing: PODCAST TIME. After months of hard work, their upcoming follow up to2014’s Lean Into The Wind is almost ready! Erin and Chris sit down with Kevin for a supremely heady chat about their new album and why it’s their most ambitious project yet, Erin’s fledgling foundation Musica Feminista, and what it means to be outspoken activists in an industry that far too often rewards silence over basic social responsibility.

Plus! We’ve got a new track from the darkly elegant Frog Eyes album, Pickpocket’s Locket, for you to put in your ears. Grab a seat and get comfortable, because here comes one of the best episodes of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast to date.  

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 131 - Mac DeMarco - Another One / Ultimate Painting - Green Lanes

This week on the podcast we’ve got new faces, man tears, invaders from Canada and two groovy cats from across the pond. First up, it’s already July 71st and we STILL don’t have a new Frank Ocean album. In age of surprise album drops, does the “tease then delay” release strategy really work? More to the point, is a world without Boys Don’t Cry any kind of world at all?

Next up -  Beloved by many, and confusing to some, Mac DeMarco is continuing his chill ride to the top of the world with a new “mini-LP” entitled Another One. Is life in DeMarco’s world one big brah-cation, or is there something more to this joker. On the other side of this coin lies the groovy cats of Ultimate Painting. With their second album Green Lanes, Jack Cooper (Mazes) & James Hoare (Veronica Falls) double down on the relaxed vibes they delivered on their 2014 debut to make a strong case for the art of leisure.

And last but not least - Johnny Krueger, formerly of Austin’s Hundred Visions has birthed an eleven minute opus of riffage, rage and volume. We share a track from his Explicit Power  to finish of the podcast with a kerrrrrrang. All of this, plus Eduardo joins the gang too on Episode 131 of ChunkyGlasses: THE PODCAST! 

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