Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 333: i can feel you creep into my private life - tUnE-yArDs

From the beginning, it was clear that Merril Garbus (tUnE-yArDs) is a force of nature. Over the course of now four albums, she has reshaped the pop landscape into a much more meaningful, and blissfully weirder, place. 

i can feel you creep into my private life, her most straightforward work to date (and now a duo featuring longtime collaborator Nate Brenner) isn't just a record that challenges what it means to be tUnE-yArDs, but the privilege and power that pop music commands in the modern age.

PLUS! As Washington DC's The North Country continues to evolve, Andrew Grossman and crew take some time to revisit their latest full length (In Defense Of Cosmic Altruism) plus some choice outtakes on their luxuriant Ardor EP.

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