Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 238: A Tribe Called Quest - We Got It From Here... Thank You 4 Your Service

It's been eighteen years since A Tribe Called Quest released an album, but on their latest, and last, LP We Got It From Here... Thank You 4 Your Service, the hip-hop legend's have delivered not just one of 2016's best, but a career defining masterpiece more than worthy of their legacy.

Marcus J. Moore (Bandcamp), Chad Clark (Beauty Pill) and Ian Taronji (The Lucky So & So's) join Kevin in the basement to dig into the new album, consider Tribe's ultimate legacy, and more.

PLUS: Victor Perry makes indie-soul out of his closet in Atlanta, Georgia because DIY. We've got a track from this up-and-coming vocalist for you see how that works out for ya. 

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