Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 256: The El Mansouris - The El Mansouris

First there were whispers. Then there was a video. And finally, after years of waiting there was a debut album. And just like that, Washington, DC "supergroup" The El Mansouris were gone.

Tune in as we dive deep into a minor masterpiece by a band that barely existed, but left a hell of a mark in the short time they had. 

PLUS! Tidal Talk is BACK, and now living in our darkest timeline where Net Neutrality is on its last legs and Justin Bieber is the only state approved music for the masses.

OK. That last part isn't true YET, but seriously guys...it's starting to look bleak out there.

PS. We've also got seven minutes of fresh PAIN from our friend Seán Barna for ya.

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Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 69: Alex Tebeleff of Paperhaus

The idea of a house show is nothing new, but over the past few years, Washington, DC has seen a veritable explosion in the number of highly structured alternative venues popping up in every part of the nation’s capital. On a cozy street in Petworth lies the Paperhaus, the veritable epicenter of this movement, and in it resides one Alex Tebeleff. Not only does Tebeleff play in a band that shares it’s name with the house, but he has spearheaded a resurgence in DIY, or DIT (Do It Together), that has not only brought the varied DC scene closer together, but has paved the way for more and more musicians and music fans to try their hand at concert promotion right in the comfort of their very own living room. We sat down with Alex on the back porch of the Paperhaus recently to talk about how he got his start putting on these shows, how he sees this movement growing, and how the DC scene is continuing to amaze. 

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