Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 302: Faunaphor (Louis Weeks & Noah Berman)

Together or apart, long time musical collaborators Louis Weeks and Noah Berman have been creating some of the most forward thinking pop music of the past few years. When they started working on their latest project, it was familiar, yet different, and called out for something new. Out of this new collaboration, Faunaphor was born along with an exciting new phase of these old friends careers.

At the beginning of the Summer Louis and Noah joined Kevin in the basement to talk about And There I Was, the debut album from Faunaphor, what comes next and the inescapable pull of John Wick.

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 192: William Tyler - Modern Country

Noah Berman (Louis Weeks) and Ian Taronji (The Lucky So & So's) are both formidable guitarists with connections to the DC scene. Kevin is also a guitarist, minus the formidable. Together the three are going full wonk on the instrument that has, in no small part, shaped their lives.

William Tyler is a guitarist. He is not connected to the DC scene. He also is not a hack. His new album Modern Country aims to prove that and then some.

Remember that time the band Avers rocked the f@#@ out of 2014 with their album Empty Light? Well, they're back, and we've got the first single off of their upcoming sophomore LP, Omega/Whatever, for you to shove in yer earholes and enjoy.

Any questions?

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Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill Interviews, Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 117: Louis Weeks Returns!

This week on the podcast, Louis Weeks returns to the basement with his friend/collaborator Noah Berman in tow to talk about their upcoming release, haha! Recorded with a live band and greatly expanded instrumentation, haha builds on the the fantastical foundation laid down by 2014’s Shift/Away, and launches Weeks’ musical horizons into the stratosphere. 

Tune in to hear Louis and Noah tell all about how the album was made, what it’s like transitioning from being a largely solo musician to the leader of a seven piece band, bass drops, and get a taste of one of 2015's best albums. It's all happening on Episode 117 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast!

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