Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 344: Art vs Artist

R. Kelly. Michael Jackson. Woody Allen. Kanye West. Roman Polanski. Chris Brown. Harvey Weinstein. These and many more artists and entertainment luminaries have all reached the peak of and continue to enjoy great success despite being, in some cases, general a-holes, and in many, guilty of acting on, the worst impulses humanity has to offer.

On a very special episode, we're talking about the separation between art and artist, how much responsibility do we as fans have, and when enough should be enough.

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 195: Caveman - Otero War

Kanye West. He can't, he won't and he don't stop...being an a-hole. (We) Discuss.

Caveman is a killer f@#@ing band who has made couple of killer f@#@ing albums. Their latest effort Otero War continues this trend with a little bit of sci-fi epic for good measure.

Do you love rock and roll? The Mystery Lights looooove rock and roll and they're here with a savage new track to testify for you. Dig it.

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 163: Kendrick Lamar - untitled unmastered.

Music writer powerhouses Marcus Dowling and Marcus J. Moore are in the basement and offering up some last words on the troubled release of Kanye West's, The Life Of Pablo.

King Kendrick hit us with a surprise "project" on Friday. Is it a worthy follow up to To Pimp A Butterfly, or something...more.

Washington, DC's Stranger In the Alps is back with new music and a single release show at Songbird Music House on 3/9. We've got a taste of their new jams.

You say you've never heard of Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song? EDUCATE YOURSELF, SON!

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 162: M. Ward - More Rain

Hurricane Kayne continues to batter the coast of our common sense. We set a course toward's the eye of the storm.

M. Ward is back and sounding as groovy as ever on his latest, More Rain.

Chicago's Moodymann has dropped DJ Kicks, and we've got a taste.

Uh oh...here come the SXSW emails.

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 157: The Skiffle Players - Skifflin'

Kanye West’s new album may be here, but should it be rated “M” for misogyny?

The Skiffle Players debut LP Skifflin’  is bringing together titans of “weird” Americana (Cass McCombs, Neal Casal, Dan Horne, Farmer Dave Scher, Aaron Sperske) to celebrate folk music from the past, present and future.

Night Beats are bringing some serious groove, straight from the garage. Dig it. Dig it the most, baby.

Where’s our damn croissant.

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 153: Rihanna - ANTI

Rihanna’s latest was an exclusive to TIDAL…until it leaked…everywhere…because the internet.

Rihanna is back with her new album,  Anti¸ a new attitude and at least three new fans.

The Pines are from Minneapolis and make great music. The track “Aerial Ocean” off of their upcoming LP Above The Prairie is but one example of the aforementioned great music

Did we mention Rihanna? 

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 109: Pile - You're Better Than This / Ryley Walker - Primrose Green

On our latest podcast, we check in on Boston noise rockers, Pile, and their new album You’re Better Than This, then take a long, strange trip with Chicago-based songwriter/guitarist Ryley Walker and his latest van-worthy collection of jams, Primrose Green.

PLUS! Kanye West may have been pegged to headline this year’s Glastonbury Music Festival, but all may not be well in the land of yeezy.  NINETY THOUSAND signatures stong and counting, a petition launched last week by a group of dissatisfied music fans seeks to convince the organizers that soon to be Dr. West may not be the right fit for this annual musical throw-down. Will they prevail? Should Kanye back out? Are music festivals even worth it anymore? We ponder these questions and more on Episode 109 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast!

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Discologist Guest User Discologist Guest User

Episode 33: The Brown Note

On the wings of Hawkwind, Kevin, Andre, and Madelyn glide through dense Texan forest, where they happen upon Midlake. Enchanted, the gang abandons Hawkwind to swim in the jazz-masters-turned-folk-rockers' latest, Antiphon.

EPISODE 33: The Brown Note

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