Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Jamila Woods' 'Legacy! Legacy!'

On her new album Legacy! Legacy! Jamila Woods is channeling the voices of the artists and activists that have shaped her life and in the process claiming her place alongside them. A powerful meditation on the importance of self-love and the power each of us has to change the world, Legacy! Legacy! isn’t just one of the best albums of 2019, it is a cultural milepost that will continue to enrich and inspire for years to come.    

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 196: Mitski - Puberty 2

The use of cell phones at concerts continues to be a hot button topic for music fans. A new company Yonder is here to tell you where you can stick it (yer phone).

Mitski is back with a new album that blows the doors off of any expectations we might have had for her follow up to 2014's Bury Me At Makeout Creek. Paul and Maddy (Wolpow-Gindi) sit in to parse this mothef@#@er of an album,

Do you like good things? Yes? Good. Jamila Woods' has made a good thing and we've got it for you to assimilate into you life. 

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