Tracking, Discologist Kevin Hill Tracking, Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 328: Best Of 2017

It's likely that we'll look back at 2017 as the year almost everything fell apart, downerism ruled the land, and we came very close to being broken as a people. 

But we didn't break. We made it. And on this final installment of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast for 2017, we're discussing the music that lifted us up, dropped us down, and sometimes even showed us the way, but never, ever let us down.

Thanks for tuning in all year. We'll see you soon. Until then be good to your ears, but be better to your people...

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Discologist Kevin Hill Discologist Kevin Hill

Episode 308: Aromanticism - Moses Sumney

Moses Sumney has a voice from out-of-this world, and soul as deep as an ocean. On his debut LP, Aromanticism, the Los Angeles singer/songwriter swimming in a genre agnostic sea and coming back to land with one of the most unique, and best, albums of 2017. Marcus J. Moore (Senior Editor, Bandcamp) and Marcus K. Dowling (Decades, Capitol Wrestling) join Kevin in the basement to discuss this modern masterpiece.

PLUS! Aaron Abernathy's latest Dialogue (out 10/16) takes a hard look at the world we live in today and offers up some soulful answers in response. Get a listen to "Children Of The City," the first single from this modern masterpiece and #BeAPartOfTheDialogue.

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