Lonnie Holley’s ‘Oh Me, Oh My’ PLUS music we love from Joe Westerlund, Wild Up, and more!
Lonnie Holley’s Oh Me, Oh My is a continuation of his exploration of the darker rooms of our history that were the centerpiece of his 2018 album Mith. On that release, Holley seemed content to simply illuminate for the sake of awareness. Oh Me, Oh My finds the lauded artist/poet/musician settling for nothing less than carrying the listener to a home in the light that everyone, Holley seems to argue, deserves no matter what hardship came before. It’s a message of hope that will thaw even the coldest of hearts, and an early (and easy) contender for the best album you are likely to hear in 2023.
PLUS! Eduardo and Kevin are spinning tracks from percussionist Joe Westerlund’s new LP Elegies for the Drift and Los Angeles music collective Wild Up’s exploration of the work of Julius Eastman!
Discussion Guide
0:00 - Shop Talk
5:15 - Tracks we love
24:43 - Oh Me, Oh My
1:01:15 - Apple Classical Music App / Wrap up
Lonnie Holley
photo/David Raccuglia
Featured Album
Oh Me, Oh My
Lonnie Holley
Featured Tracks
”Kinshasa Yang”
Joe Westerlund
"Create New Pattern”
Wild Up
Show Notes
Learn more about the life and work of Lonnie Holley [Wikipedia]
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