New Music From The Cure, Joachim Cooder, Kolumbo, and more!

On this edition of Discologist, Eduardo and Kevin discuss Songs Of A Lost World, The Cure’s first new album in sixteen years, PLUS new music from Joachim Cooder, Kolumbo, and much more!


Featured Albums


Songs Of A Lost World
The Cure

On their first album in sixteen years, The Cure is certainly looking back sonically to the era that produced albums like Pornography and Disintegration. However, it is Smith’s unrelenting assessment of THE END that positions Songs Of A Lost World as one of the best albums in the band’s catalog. Where 1989’s Disintegration, the album from which Lost World draws most strongly in terms of sound, was about the collapse of personal relationships resulting in nothing more wounding than a broken heart, the collapse in this new batch of songs is existential and permanent — the final heartbreak that ultimately comes for us all. That’s not a new concept by a long shot, but what makes the album a minor miracle is how much joy Smith is able to light the darkness with, even while being crushed by the weight of seemingly endless regret and the finality of, well, everything. - Kevin


Worth a Listen


Show Notes


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Kevin Hill

Co-Host/Producer Discologist

Midwest enthusiast.





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