Episode 66: What's All The Rabble About RABBL?

In the first of what will be an ongoing series of round-table discussions we sit down with Rabbl CEO Wade Lagrone and Listen Local First co-founder Chris Naoum to discuss the good and the bad of the crowd-sourcing platform that made waves in the DC music community a few short weeks ago. Whether you think it’s the future of music promotion, or nothing more than another example of the “pay to play” model, it’s a talk that everyone who is passionate about the issue should hear.  

 Show Notes

- Read the Washington Post article that sparked the debate HERE
- Learn more about Rabbl HERE
- Learn more about Listen Local First HERE 


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Kevin Hill

Co-Host/Producer Discologist

Midwest enthusiast.




Episode 67: Sylvan Esso


Episode 65: Greg Edwards of Failure