Episode 121: Obsequiae - Aria Of Vernal Tombs / Elder - Lore

This week on the podcast, Kevin and Paul are talkin’ METALLLL! Melding medieval instrumentation with the blackest and loudest sounds found in rock, Tanner Anderson’s Obsequiae project leans hard into the dungeons of old to create ear-quaking cacophonies of doom…but does it satisfy his dark lords? Meanwhile, somewhere in outer space, Boston’s ELDER hurls towards our home.  Their new album Lore promises sweet, sweet oblivion with a side of Yes-worthy prog, but does it rain hellfire supreme from the heaven’s below or does this trio still have a ways to go before their Charisma points are as maxed out as their Strength?

Plus! MORE Apple Music talk, SoundCloud might be breaking the blogosphere , Skyrim addictions and much, much more on Episode 121 of ChunkyGlasses: The Podcast! This one goes to 11.

Show Notes

Some food for thought on Taylor Swift's "victory":

  • To Apple, Love Taylor (Original Post) [link]
  • "Taylor Swift Criticism Spurs Apple to Change Royalties Policy" [New York Times]
  • "Taylor Swift vs Apple: nobody wins - A heartwarming victory for the status quo" [The Verge]

Learn more about Brooklyn's Mail The Horse




Aria of Vernal Tombs

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Paul: Buy It

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Kevin Hill

Co-Host/Producer Discologist

Midwest enthusiast.




Episode 122: Midyear Madness and Unsung Superjamz


Episode 120: Eternal Summers - Gold and Stone